Monday, 30 November 2015

7 myths & truths about Refurbished Computers

By RAJ   Posted at  11/30/2015 01:01:00 am   No comments

They have lower configuration than what I require for my company's needs.
They are of low quality.
They have inherent performance issues

These are the common responses from companies when refurbishers approach to sell refurbished PCs. Many individuals and companies nurture fear and apprehensions against refurbished PCs as a result of ignorance and lack of information on these products. This stigma is not just in the corporate sector, but spreads far wider and deeper in the consumers markets too. It has been built over years and on many myths that are still doing rounds in the society. This article attempts to highlight those myths and bust them with rational explanations. This is also an earnest attempt to highlight refurbished PCs in a more positive way and the value they offer to the users.

Here are the most popular myths about these devices and the truth behind those myths:

Myth: Refurbished computers have lesser computing power (configuration) as compared to new devices. 

Truth: It is true that new computers come with latest configurations like greater clock speed, more number of cores in the processor, additional graphic card, bigger RAM, etc. However, one has to understand the difference between having the latest configuration and utilizing all the features of that configuration. How many people really use a device to its full capabilities? Negligible! A majority of people use laptops and desktops for just checking mail, developing documents in MS Word and Excel and of course, web browsing. A high configuration system is not required to do these mundane tasks. Thus, it is not important to have great computing power. Rather, one should look at having devices that match their work requirements. This way, refurbished devices can provide the required computing power (much more in many cases) at lesser capital expenditure.
Myth: Refurbished computers have inherent performance issues given the inferior quality of hardware used in them.

Truth: This is not true in majority of the cases as refurbishers/remanufacturers ensure that all issues are fixed; thoroughly tested; and certified before they are brought into the market. Almost all brands make sure that their refurbished devices deliver the same or similar performance as compared to new devices. In many cases, refurbished products undergo more stringent tests than new products - meaning refurbishers do not compromise on their quality and reliability; and guarantee their performance.

Myth: All refurbished computers are used/pre-owned products that are at the end of their useful life 

Truth: Only a small percentage of refurbished products fall in this category, while the rest are either new or sparingly/gently used devices. Many pre-owned devices come to refurbishers in good working condition and just need minor tune-ups to enhance their performance. Such products have much longer 'useful life' left in them than what consumers think. On the other hand, customers return back products to manufacturers for many reasons including minor defects, scratches, dents & cosmetic blemishes, or they simply does not like the product. Devices are very much new and very sparingly used in such cases. Such devices are fixed and re-packaged by the manufacturers and released in the secondary market as refurbished products.

Myth: No Warranty or Guarantee for refurbished computers 

Truth: Refurbished products from reputed players are usually bundled with limited warranty for at least 1 year. You should consider buying refurbished computers only from such reliable companies who extend reliable warranty services. Such warranties should cover the parts, labour and in some cases, replacement of product. Sometimes you may need to purchase extended service warranty by paying a nominal annual fee in which case they may not cover the parts or replacement of product. 

Myth: Refurbished computers are more prone to repairs and maintenance issues

Truth: As mentioned earlier, refurbished PCs go through rigorous testing by qualified professionals before they are packed. They are as good as new when they come out of the refurbishing facilities and produce similar performance levels as that of new PCs. Today, many corporates, schools and NGOs are using refurbished computers and seldom face any repairs or serious maintenance issues. However, it all depends on 'from whom these PCs are purchased.' Always choose well organised and established refurbishers who are registered with premium organisations like Microsoft and who can produce performance certificates for each of their refurbished PCs.

Myth: Refurbished computers do not last long as new PCs 

Truth: The reconditioning that takes place during the refurbishment process ensures that each refurbished PC will continue to work normally or without any serious repairs for at least another three to four years (in some cases they go up to as long as six to seven years). Thus, rest assured that they do not break down within a couple of months of purchase. Again it depends on from whom those PCs are bought. Always purchase from organised refurbishers.

Myth: Refurbished computers are meant for schools/libraries and not-for-profit organizations

Truth: Well, given the working condition and performance, refurbished computers can be used by anybody - individual consumers and commercial establishments as well. It is true that refurbished computers were initially targeted at schools and NGOs (mostly in the US) to give a push to these products and let people use and judge them. We have now come a long way and many companies today are purchasing and using these products without any hitch or glitch. If at all anything cropped up, the refurbishers are always there to sort them out.

This knowledge series is sponsored by YNew (Microsoft Registered Refurbisher based out of Hyderabad), a pioneer in re-commerce solutions, striving to set benchmark for sale & service of refurbished computers while working closely with renowned refurbishers across India. You can visit their website to download a whitepaper on refurbished computing. The next article in this series will focus on why refurbished computers make a compelling value proposition for businesses, academic institutions and NGOs. 



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